Where are you located? 

We are conveniently located off the square in Winterset at 113 E Court Avenue.

When are your sessions?

  • School Year Session: begins after Labor Day and goes through the end of April with breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break

  • Summer Session: can vary but typically 6 weeks in June and 1/2 of July


Registering for classes at Winterset Gymnastics is easy! Just create an account on our online registration system to see class availability and sign up. Plus, you'll stay updated on the latest happenings once you're on our email list.

How do we pay for classes? 

Tuition and fees are simple and automated with our online system. Click here to view more details.

What is your dress code?

Girls:  Please have your daughter wear a leotard for modesty and proper body positioning. Tight-fitting shorts are permitted. Hair & Jewelry: Hair must be pulled back for all classes. Pigtails are recommended for the Kindergym level. For safety, no jewelry except stud earrings.

Boys:  Athletic shorts and a T-shirt to tuck in.

Toddlers/Parents: Girls and boys can wear shorts, leggings/sweatpants and t-shirts, or leotards.

Trampoline Shoes or Socks: All students must wear trampoline shoes or socks to protect their feet. Please, no fuzzy socks (they fall apart) and no ballet or dance shoes as they are slippery and not made of the same material. Trampoline shoes are available to purchase in our online pro shop.

What are fees in addition to tuition?

  • Each new member will pay a $40 membership fee, which will be charged to the bank account/card on file and processed upon enrollment.

  • KinderGym and Flips & Fitness Class Fees:

    • A $50 activity fee for the school year session will be assessed for KinderGym in September (or upon enrollment if enrolling after September).

    • A Winterset Gymnastics Leotard is required for the in-club exhibition and as our preferred uniform. More information about purchasing a leotard will be emailed after classes start in the fall, and the design may be updated yearly or every other year.

  • Tumbling & Trampoline Team Estimated Fees:

    • Competition uniform - $70-85 (plan to replace or update every other year). Uniforms will be sized with parental assistance and charged as needed.

    • Trampoline Shoes (required for competitions)

    • Each Competition: $45-70

    • End of Year Showcase estimated $45

    • AAU membership (approximately $25-30 each)

    • The two required competitions will be automatically registered and billed to the iClass payment method on file. Optional competitions will be parent enrolled on iClass.

How quickly will my child learn the skills taught in class? 

We understand that every child learns differently and different skills at different paces, which is why our highly trained coaches use a fun and effective approach to teaching skills that challenge your child. If you have questions, please ask; our friendly coaches are always here to assist you in any way possible.

Do you take breaks for the holidays?

Breaks will coincide with Winterset School District for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. Watch your email for specifics.

What happens if we miss a class (school year session)?

Submit an absence request at least 6 hours prior to class via the iClass system to receive a makeup token. When a parent reports their child's absence, the spot opens up for another student to attend the class. If everyone reports their absences early, there will be more opportunities for make-up. Unfortunately, you won't be eligible for a make-up token if you miss a class without prior notice. Please be aware that no make-up options are available for Little Monkey, camps, mini-sessions, and summer session classes.

Will you close if it snows?

We do our best to keep classes going whenever possible. We understand that some students live nearby and can make it under most winter conditions, and some live far away, where travel in icy or snowy conditions would not be advised. If you cannot attend due to distance, request a makeup token by submitting an absence. If extreme weather conditions require us to adjust our schedule or cancel, we will email you.

How does my child know when their class starts? What if I’m running late to pick them up?

  • Aim to arrive no more than 5 minutes early. Students are required to enter the lobby quietly and wait respectfully for the class that is in session. It is not appropriate for students to be jumping around and tumbling in the lobby.

  • After class, instruct your child to remain inside the building until you arrive to escort them to and from your car for safety reasons. Please inform us if you know you will be late picking up your student; text Holli at 515.462.4552.

Can parents come into the gym to watch their child’s class? Am I required to stay during my child’s class?

  • Having spectators in the gym can significantly distract your child and other children in the class. Instead, we have set up viewing windows in our lobby area. Please refrain from coaching or distracting your children during class. Thank you for helping us provide your child with the best learning experience!

  • Parents and other family members can wait in the lobby or leave and run errands during their child's class.

What if my child needs to use the restroom or get a drink during class?

  • To ensure your child gets the most out of gymnastics class, please encourage them to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated during the session.

  • We have a restroom inside the gym, so if your child needs to use the facilities during class, they can do so without any inconvenience.

  • Parents of preschool children who can't use the restroom independently (leotards can be tricky) should stay in the lobby to assist if needed. We may need to send preschoolers to their parents for help.

Who teaches the classes? 

We are lucky to have the owners themselves teaching every class, along with many other coaches. Our athletes benefit greatly from working with different coaches who offer multiple perspectives and explanations.

how do students move through the different equipment in class?

In our gymnastics class, we keep our students engaged and active. We have various equipment and we divide our time between them, using learning circuits as much as possible. Each circuit includes a coached skill and a safe skill that students can practice on their own before returning to the coach. During the class, there may be times when your child's group sits down to listen to the coach or watch a skill being performed. This observation is an important part of learning gymnastics techniques. Your child may also be asked to demonstrate a skill to help their peers learn.