Flips & Fitness
Ages 7-years-old -14-years-old
45-minute classes, September-April & Summer Session
In-Club Competition in December and Skill Testing in April
Flips & Fitness class is the ideal place for your gymnast to perfect their cartwheel, start to learn a flip, and experience their first in-house competitions. This class combines the basic skill progressions of tumbling with the exciting aspects of the trampoline. Routines and skill accumulation are the focus of this class.
Pre-Qualifications: Excellent listening skills and a desire to learn gymnastics. Tumbling & Trampoline is for beginners up through kids who can do flips and handsprings. Classes are divided into groups, and groups change throughout the year to offer a variety of skills for different learning needs as the year progresses:
Goals: This class focuses on achieving gymnastics skills, improving technique, memorizing routines, progressing to higher skill levels, and persevering to achieve goals!
December In-Club Competition: All students in our Tumbling & Trampoline program in our school year class will participate in our December in-club competition, Holli’s Holiday Hop. All students will learn routines to be evaluated by judges. Winterset Gymnastics uniform will be required for this event.
Spring Skill Achievement Testing: Testing will be done in April, including awards and incentives for skills and combinations introduced in the second 1/2 of the year, with a strong emphasis on technique being the building block for progression. Our students look forward to the challenge of accomplishing their set goals and the opportunity to celebrate their hard work!
Please take a moment to review our FAQ Page for details on tuition payments, activity fees, uniform requirements, class dress code, and more.
Tumbling & Trampoline Team
Ages 6-years-old and up
September-April Competition Tumbling & Trampoline Team Season, additional classes offered for Summer Session
Our Tumbling & Trampoline Team program is all about creating a positive and encouraging experience for students to improve their tumbling and trampoline skills, perfect their techniques, and grow as competitive athletes. All students are invited to participate, regardless of age or experience. There is a competition bracket suited to challenge and inspire every child!
Students have the opportunity to thrive, build lasting friendships with teammates, and improve their tumbling and trampoline skills, all while performing at their best. Competitions are a wonderful opportunity for kids to support each other, learn sportsmanship, and stay motivated to do their best.
Dates and locations of competitions will be provided in the fall.
See below for the preliminary guide outlining the requirements and options for Tumbling & Trampoline Team members:
2 local competitions, likely on a Saturday in January and one in February.
In April, Tumbling & Trampoline Team Members choose to attend the end-of-year showcase or enroll in the AAU State Competition in Ottuwma.
Optional meets will be offered in addition to the above-listed competitions and showcase.
Please take a moment to review our FAQ Page for details on tuition payments, activity fees, uniform requirements, class dress code, and more.